5 Reasons Why You Are Struggling to Be Healthy

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Looking for better health can be a frustrating and discouraging task. There are so many products, health fads and tips out there that it’s hard to know where to start. For this reason, you may be struggling to be healthy. This article will look at some of the reasons that people are stumbling along their journey to better health and how they can start to make a difference.

1. You Are Doing It for the Wrong Reasons

We all know how easy it is to feel discouraged in the world of health and wellness. You try your hardest to eat clean and work out but you never see the results you want. The fact is that you are looking in the wrong place for motivation. You are doing it for the wrong reasons. You shouldn’t do it for vanity’s sake. Looking good doesn’t mean that you are healthy. It’s about being healthy for the right reasons.

Whether you want to lose weight, gain muscle, or just want to be healthier, the answer isn’t on the outside. It’s on the inside. It’s about eating clean because you want to fuel your body. It’s about eating fewer processed foods because you want to give your body the fuel it needs. It’s about working out because you want to keep your body strong and healthy. When it comes to your health, taking care of your body is what is most important.

2. You Surround Yourself With the Wrong People.

Many people out there are struggling because they are surrounded by negativity, people who are making excuses not to exercise, not to eat right and not to live a healthy life. They say that you are the average of your five closest friends. It can be hard to see everyone eating what you know you shouldn’t be eating. It’s hard to go to the gym alone when you know your friends are doing something fun. Even if your friends are not into health, if they are just supportive about your goals it can help a lot. But what helps more is to make some new friends as well who share your goals. This will keep you motivated in hard times and helps to form habits. You need friends who are going to encourage you when you need it and tell you the truth when you need it.

3. You Keep Making Excuses

You may have been making excuses for years. You tell yourself that you’re too busy, you’re too tired, you’re too stressed, and you have too many things on your mind to even think about dealing with your health. The truth, however, is that you’re really just one of those millions of people who are making excuses and are not ready to start living the kind of life that you deserve.

You may have a lot of reasons for making these excuses, but it all boils down to the fact that you just haven’t taken the first step towards making a change in your life. You may be hoping that someone, somewhere, will put a magic wand in your hand and wave it to help you lose weight and live a healthy life without any effort. Unfortunately, that’s not going to happen. You’ve got to take action. You need to take the first step. You need to stop making excuses.

4. You’re Looking for a Quick Fix

So many ads are targeted towards a quick fix to lose weight or achieve your health goals. The journey towards better health is a road filled with many obstacles, but a big issue we face is that we’re often looking for something that doesn’t exist. We’re looking for a quick-fix, something that will allow us to easily and effortlessly lose weight, stop feeling tired and start feeling great. We’re looking for something that just doesn’t exist. Great health is an ongoing process. It requires effort, dedication, patience and perseverance. It requires experimentation and a willingness to try new things. It requires listening to your body (not your thoughts) and paying close attention to how you’re feeling. Understanding that this will be a long process helps a lot to reduce frustration in regards to your goals.

5. You Are Only Focused on Weight Loss

Most people are focused on weight loss, as opposed to building a lifestyle that is healthier, happier and longer-lasting. They would rather avoid eating a few extra calories today than build a habit of better health, which will help them in the long run. The problem with health and wellness is that it’s not a quick fix. If it was, it would be one of the easiest things in the world to do. The reason that people fail to live healthy lifestyles is not because they are lazy, or don’t want to, it’s because they may not know how to do it.

Weight encompasses many things, not just fat. Weight is also your muscles, bones, organs, water, and the food you just ate. It is very possible that you stay the same or even gain weight while losing fat. This is because you can build muscle while losing fat so your weight doesn’t appear to change. This is why taking progress pics or body-fat reading are much better ways to measure progress. If people would only focus on changing their habits, instead of their weight, they would be able to build a lifestyle that is healthier and happier.


It can be frustrating and discouraging to work so hard and still struggle to be healthy. We hope that after reading this you will have a better understanding of the top reasons why your health and wellness goals may be falling short and how you can overcome these obstacles to finally get the results you want. Keep pushing because the road to health is a long process and requires that you form habits based on many repetitions. But if you keep going, the results will come.

Read also: How to Start Your Fitness Journey, 7 Common Gym Mistakes For Beginners

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