5 Ways to Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle During the Holidays

Holidays can bring celebration, joy and happiness, but they can also be a time of year when we slip into unhealthy patterns. The gatherings, vacations, and overindulgence of food can set people back on their progress they made over the summer months. If you are looking to keep a healthy lifestyle during the holiday season, we’ve got 5 tips to help you stay fit.

Why You Should Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle During the Holidays

Between all the parties and indulgent meals, it’s easy to forget about taking care of yourself. But it’s important to remember that maintaining a healthy lifestyle during the holidays is vital for your physical and mental well-being.

There are a few key reasons why you should make an effort to stay healthy during the holidays. First, the holidays can be a stressful time, and taking care of your body will help you manage stress better. Second, if you’re eating unhealthy foods and not exercising, you’re more likely to feel sluggish and run down. Staying healthy will help you enjoy the holidays more fully – after all, what’s the point of indulging in all those holiday activities if you don’t feel your best? And third, you will feel better and proud of yourself knowing that you are capable of discipline and are able to maintain your physical progress when most aren’t.

So make a commitment to yourself to stay healthy this holiday season. Your body will thank you, and you’ll be able to enjoy the holidays to the fullest. But more importantly, your post-holidays body will thank you because you won’t be in the boat of all the new years resolutioners starting over on January 1st.

5 Ways to Stay Healthy During the Holidays

The holidays are a time for indulgence, but that doesn’t mean you have to abandon all healthy habits. Here are five ways to stay healthy during the holidays:

Avoid Overeating

It’s easy to get caught up in the spirit of the season and overeat, but resist the temptation. Overeating can lead to weight gain and health problems. This is probably the issue that most fall into. They think, “well, overeating is part of the holiday” but it doesn’t have to be. Enjoy the food but just until you are satisfied. Just get one plate. Try to focus on protein as well versus loading up with so many carbs.

Get Plenty of Sleep

Sleep is important for overall health, and it can be easy to get less sleep during the busy holiday season. Make sure to get at least 7-8 hours of sleep every night. Read some tips here on getting deeper sleep. Proper sleep will help reduce fat storage and increase stress tolerance. Also keep your sleep as regular as you can. The holidays may be full of late night parties but maybe check out earlier than the rest once you’ve had enough. If you want to sleep, don’t feel pressured to stay out just because everyone else is. Routines are very important for the body and mind to be healthy.

Keep Exercising

Exercise is a great way to stay healthy and combat holiday stress. Even if you can’t get to the gym, there are plenty of ways to get some exercise at home or even outside in the fresh air. One trick as well is to get in a good exercise session before you go to thanksgiving or Christmas dinner. Following your workout, your body is in need of more carbs and calories and will use them more effectively which can translate to less fat storage. So time your intense workouts around your big meals to help offset that.

Limit Alcohol Consumption

Alcohol can be tempting during the holidays, but it’s important to limit your intake. Too much alcohol can lead to dehydration and other health problems, not to mention the excess calories and carbohydrates. Perhaps you read the groundbreaking study in the news concluding that “no amount of alcohol is good for your health”. Many people think a little bit is fine or even healthy for them but we know that every amount of alcohol you consume is at your own risk and really has no benefit to you.

Stay Hydrated

Drinking plenty of water is important for overall health, and it’s especially important during the holidays when you might be consuming more alcohol and sugary drinks. This helps to flush out your system and keep everything functioning well and lubricated. This will also help you to eat less food if you are more full of water. So one trick is to drink a glass of water before eating and you will feel full quicker. Make sure to drink at least eight glasses of water every day but preferably more.

The holidays don’t have to be a death sentence for your fitness goals. Enjoy yourself but in moderation and remember your goals. Stay disciplined throughout and you will be fine.

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