7 Ways to Stay Fit With a Desk Job

One of the plagues of our age is the fact that we have become so sedentary as technology has advanced. We have a more “comfortable” life yet see certain health conditions that our supposedly less fortunate ancestors didn’t seem to worry about. Many jobs now require little to no physical activity. They may simply require sitting at a desk or a computer for 8 hours a day. And then those people probably go home and sit some more. 

This wrecks havoc on your health! You end up with low back pain, neck pain, inflexibility, and weight-gain to name a few. It may not be as easy to be active and fit as it was for our ancestors who just did it by default. However, there are still ways to be in great shape despite working at a desk job! So let’s look at things you could implement to make that happen!

Stand as Much as You Can

This may be obvious but so many don’t do it still. It’s doubtful you are literally forced to be sitting at the desk your whole shift. Maybe you still need to be close by, but you can stand up while still seeing your computer or talking on the phone. Just a minute every now and then can offset many problems because you are reversing the damages being done.

The ideal would be to have a standing desk. There are some that raise up and down electronically such as this one, and some that you can just put on top of your desk and raise manually like this. These will help you to continue working and typing like normal but while standing. A good rule of thumb would be to stand about as much as you can or until you get tired before sitting again.

Stretch Periodically

When you are in one position, your muscles tighten up. For those who sit, the hip flexors and neck generally get very tight. Take time to stretch periodically throughout the day and maybe one 5-10 min stretching session once a day as well. Perform a hip flexor stretch such as this one, stretch your neck, and open up your chest and shoulders as well. This allows your muscles to lengthen and reduces the risk of pain, inflexibility, and injury while exercising.

Walk Around

Take advantage of the short breaks you are given to get up and get in some steps. Maybe you can pace around when you are on the phone or thinking about something. Take frequent water or bathroom breaks. Just find excuses to move. You could also take the stairs instead of the elevator or park a little further away. Frequent walking helps you to be in a healthier position with your spine while also burning some calories.

Improve Your Posture

Stretching can help reverse some effects of bad posture, but you can also consciously improve it. Sit up with your back straight and with your neck in line with your spine. Your torso should form about a 90 degree angle with your hips. Also watch your feet. Make sure they are shoulder width and flat on the floor with your knees at a 90 degree angle as well. If you find yourself hunching over, move your chair closer to your desk or find ways to adjust your screen so that it is directly in front of your face. If you use a laptop, you could put it on top of books or purchase a raiser for it.

Pack Your Lunch

You will see many of your co-workers buying out each day because they don’t have time to go home. So they will get fatty, high-carb, low-protein foods which combined with a sedentary day contributes to obesity and disease. So start learning how to meal prep so that you can pack healthy lunches for you at work. Here is an article on how to get started.

Focus on high protein meals with no added sugars or excessive sodium. Go for natural and balanced meals with a protein, small carbohydrate, and vegetable. You will see big differences in your health just by packing one meal a day instead of eating out.

Stay Hydrated

One of the good things about a desk job is it is actually really easy to stay well-hydrated. You can have a water bottle on your desk and have a bathroom nearby so there are no excuses. Proper hydration is important for every aspect of your health. Many find it easier when they use a large bottle such as this one that holds about a gallon of water. That way you can set your water goal at the beginning of the day and watch it go down.

Go to the Gym Each Day

Despite making minor changes while at work, it is still not enough to entirely offset the damage that can be done to your health by a desk job. Regular workouts or gym attendance of 30-90 minutes are still going to be very important. Focus on strength training as well as cardio to increase your heart rate. You can workout anywhere too! It doesn’t have to be a commercial gym. But try and get in about an hour of training a day to increase muscle tone and fitness.

Having a desk job is not a fitness death sentence. You are still able to stay fit despite your occupation. Apply these tips and do as much as you can to eat healthy and stay active and you will be just fine. 

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