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Welcome to Total Wellness 101! Here we believe that there is not just one quick tip or trick to increase your overall wellness. It is a combination of many physical and mental practices honed over time that all contribute to your better self. Here you can receive wellness and fitness training as well as explore a variety of topics regarding wellness for those who are seeking ways to improve their lives. We take a research-based approach to deliver proven, quality content to help you in your path to total wellness. When you dig deep enough, all we are truly seeking in this life is happiness, and wellness is the path to get there.

About Me

Hello! My name is Daniel Heckathorn and I am a native Marylander living in Fort Worth, Texas. I am passionate about health and fitness and am constantly learning more so that I can apply it in my own life and share it with others as well.

My academic studies started as an Exercise Science major and I later graduated with my B. S. degree in Psychology from Brigham Young University with a minor in Spanish. While there, I focused on coursework regarding Clinical Health Psychology which is a sub-specialty that explores more of the connection between mental and physical health. I took special interest in the role of stress. I also worked on a team performing research on stress reduction and breathing techniques.

I later obtained my personal training certification with the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM).

Some people are drawn to physical health and others to mental health but I always felt like the two shouldn’t be separated. Our psychology stems from the brain which is part of the physical body and is affected by what we eat and do, for example. I believe that our greatest selves are born from consistent physical and mental training which is what led me to create Total Wellness 101. It it is my goal to always create a better version of myself and to help others in the process.

In my personal life, I enjoy being with my wife, weight training, and creating music. I prefer to stay at home and relax over going out and my favorite movie series is The Lord of the Rings. Welcome to my site!