Does the Law of Attraction Really Work?

You may have heard of the law of attraction as it is one of the most talked about concepts in the self-help world. You will hear famous actors and artists talk about the same concepts which contributed to their successes. The law of attraction basically states that what you focus on becomes your life and that “like attracts like”. However, with no concrete scientific studies proving these points, does the law of attraction really work or is it all just pseudoscience? Here we will explore this interesting question.

What Is the Law of Attraction?

The law of attraction is the belief that by focusing on positive or negative thoughts, people can bring positive or negative experiences into their life. The theory is that like attracts like. The law of attraction has been a popular topic in self-help and New Age circles for many years, and has more recently gained mainstream attention through the best-selling book and film The Secret.

It is also a main principle in one of the most popular self-help books ever, Think and Grow Rich, where they talk about setting intentions out in the universe or writing down what it is you want to achieve and repeating it to yourself every day. The law of attraction is based on the power of thought and intention and how we can create the lives we love or hate by attracting them to us.

How Does It Work?

Some people believe that the law of attraction is a universal law that is always working, regardless of what you focus on. Whether you like it or not, you are attracting certain things into your life based on your thoughts and intentions. However, most of these principles are based on anecdotal experience and mere contemplation. They are concepts that are nearly impossible to study scientifically, though there are some scientific aspects to them.

So, how does the law of attraction actually work? We are not sure, but there are some theories. The most common theory is that the law of attraction is based on the principle of resonance. One principle quantum physics talks about is how everything has a vibration and that everything is connected. At the molecular level things are in constant motion. Proponents of the law of attraction believe our thoughts are also physical things which emit vibrations outward into the universe and attract similar types of vibrations. This means that like energies attract each other, and that by focusing on positive thoughts and emotions, you can attract positive experiences and results into your life.

Another more pragmatic theory is that the law of attraction is based on your thoughts making it more likely for you to move in one direction over another. If thoughts are the basis of action and everything we do, if we can have our thoughts set on what we want, it makes it more likely for us to subconsciously do things which move us toward that goal. This is the whole reason goal setting is important. Everyone knows that with a clear goal, movement towards that goal is much more likely. You won’t reach where you want to go if you don’t know where that is. 

Your focus or intentions also affect what you notice. This may not mean that things appear in your life or are “attracted”. But, you may notice what you didn’t before. It’s like when you purchase a car and all of the sudden you notice people driving your same car everywhere. It’s not that everyone went out and bought your car when you did. It is that you now focus so much on your car that you notice it more in your daily experience. This is why gratitude is important as well. When you write down and focus on what you are grateful for, you will start to automatically notice or find more things to be grateful for.

The law of attraction is a popular belief that does make sense to a lot of people, but there is no hard scientific evidence to support it. While there are some theories about how it might work, the jury is still out on whether or not the law of attraction is a real universal law or just a placebo effect. However, if it has any truth at all and it has for many people, why not try and apply it in our lives and see what happens?

How Do We Apply It in Our Lives?

There is no one answer to this question as everyone’s individual journey will be different. However, there are some basic principles that can be followed in order to begin manifesting your desires. The first step is to get clear on what it is that you want to attract into your life. Once you have a clear intention, you can begin to take steps to make it a reality. This may involve setting goals and taking action towards them, but it also includes having faith that what you want will come to you. 

Visualization and affirmations can also be helpful in manifesting your desires. The most important thing is to stay focused on what you want, and to believe that it is possible. When you do this, the theory is the universe will conspire to help you make it happen.

You need to be clear about what you want and focus your thoughts and energy on it. For example, if you want a new job, focus your thoughts on what kind of job you want and what you would like to achieve in your career. Visualize yourself in your dream job and feel the emotions that come with it. The more focused and positive your thoughts are, the more likely you are to attract your desired outcome.

Using the law of attraction entails a shift in mindset. It will take time to be more disciplined in your thoughts. However, simply knowing that your thoughts shape your reality can help you to make that switch. When you notice yourself going down a negative train of thought or complaining about things you don’t want in your life, recognize it, and shift your attention as quickly as you can to what you do want. Doing this over time will start to shift your attention to more positive thoughts. 

Here are some other practical ways to apply the law of attraction:

  • Have a vision board: Create a board or poster with images or writing that shows what it is you want to achieve in the future. These could be career goals, relationships, prosperity, etc. Put it in your room or somewhere you will see it to keep your mind on track.
  • Write in a gratitude journal: Write down a few things each day you are grateful for to help you dwell more on the positive events in your life to attract more of those.
  • Sticky notes: Place sticky notes with positive phrases or goals in areas where you will see them. When you see them, even if it’s for a moment, your brain will think that thought.
  • Positive affirmations: Either write down and repeat to yourself or listen to audio versions of positive affirmations. These are positive and optimistic phrases that when repeated to yourself help you to believe them and think about them more.
  • Do things you enjoy: Just being in a positive emotional state will help influence your thoughts in a positive way. So do what you enjoy and you will find positive thoughts and events follow more easily.

We are not 100% sure if the law of attraction works like its proponents say it does. However, we have enough evidence to know that no harm will come out of positive thinking and believing in yourself. So whether it is a universal power or positive emotions booster, the law of attraction appears to be something that could be helpful for all of us. So give this principle a try and see if you can attract what it is you want in your life!

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