How to Stick to Your Workout Program

woman doing sit ups

A lot of people start working out with the intention of keeping it up. What happens in a lot of cases is that they give up after a few weeks. In some cases, people start working out and stop just as fast. You see this a lot around January with all of the New Year’s resolutions. This is because of a variety of different factors at play. In this article, I will talk about the different aspects that keep you from sticking to your workout program and how you can have a better chance of sticking to it.

Why Do You Need a Workout Program?

If you’re asking yourself why you need a workout program, you probably need one. It can be easy to forget that working out is a serious commitment. A lot of people think they can just get in shape by working out once in a while. They think they can just show up to the gym, run on the treadmill for an hour, and then stop going. They can’t. They won’t see results and will get even more demotivated and then quit.

Most are not at the point in which they know the best thing to do in the gym. And even experienced lifters that know what they are doing will still draw up a plan. Most professionals still will have a trainer write a plan for them even though they probably know enough to do it themselves. That’s how important it is.

Plans allow you to plan your workouts in a way that hits every major muscle group and pushes you enough to make progress. It also allows you to waste less time thinking about what you will be doing each day. You will enter the gym with a plan and can get right into it. One of the biggest mistakes that beginner lifters make is not having a workout program. (Read also 7 Common Gym Mistakes for Beginners)

Why Are You Not Sticking To Your Workout Program?

There are many different reasons why you may not stick to your workout program. You may have purchased a fitness program that you intend to stick to, but then something happens. Sometimes you don’t even notice what it is but you stop going. Here are some common reasons you don’t stick to your program.

  1. The program is too advanced: You may have a program that is confusing and complex and not tailored to where you’re at. This just creates stress and makes you give up.
  2. The program is too simple: On the opposite end, the program could not be challenging enough or not give you any sense of pride by accomplishing it. A program like this would also show little results.
  3. You expect quick results: The fitness industry shares a lot of fault with this. The selling point is generally getting someone fast results. So you may do a 4-week program and see very little change even though you saw a testimonial of someone that supposedly made great progress with the same program. First, every body is different and responds differently. And second, changing your body takes a very long time and if you’re not in it for the long haul then you might as well stop. It generally takes more like 3 months (at least) of consistent effort to see a noticeable change in your body. But dramatic change can take years. So don’t give up after 2 weeks because you don’t have the body of your dreams.
  4. You don’t enjoy the program: There are so many things you can do to get in shape. You don’t have to do something that you don’t enjoy doing. So find something that you enjoy because if not it will be really hard to stay.
  5. It’s not a priority: This is probably the biggest reason. We make time for things that are important. If your health is just something that you do when you feel like it or when it is convenient, then you will always find an excuse not to do it. Your workouts have to be something like eating food or drinking water each day. It is something you have to do, not just something you do if you can fit it in.
  6. You don’t have a clear goal: Knowing what you want to achieve will give you more drive and push you to keep going so that you can reach it.

How to Stick To Your Workout Program

Now that you know what may be keeping you from sticking to your workout program, fixing those would be the first step. And if you want to stick to a workout program, you’ve got to be honest with yourself about your reasons for starting. You need to make sure that you’re making a change for the right reasons. You can’t expect to get great results from a workout program if you don’t do it on a regular basis and you can’t expect to make changes for the long term if you don’t start with the right motivation. You also need to be open to making some changes to your workout if you find that it’s not working for you.

There are many ways to stay motivated to work out. It can be a matter of getting the right equipment, the right workout program or even the right workout clothes. There are several ways to stay motivated in the gym, outside of the gym and even while you’re working out. The key is to stay committed to your workout program no matter what. Here are some tips to help you stick to your workout program:

  1. Use a program that has an easy-to-use app: Having the program on an app that sends you reminders and allows you to record your sets and reps is an easy and convenient way to workout.
  2. Use friends to stay accountable: Have a good workout partner, preferably someone a little more disciplined than you are that will text you where you are if you aren’t at the gym. Some days you won’t want to go, but you’ll go to not let them down. This can also be virtual. Post about your goals to have even more people hold you accountable.
  3. Take progress photos: These are better than just taking your weight because you could be gaining muscle and losing fat at the same time. What’s really important is how you look right? So take some pictures maybe every week or month. Seeing progress will help you keep going. And knowing you will take a progress picture soon will motivate you to look better than the last one.
  4. Learn how to perform the exercises well: Being unconfident in the gym or with certain exercises can make it less likely that you go. So look up tutorials on YouTube or read descriptions so that you are confident enough to perform each exercise in your program.
  5. Follow fitness accounts: Follow people on social media that inspire you and keep you working towards your goals. Be careful not to feel envious of their bodies, but rather see their achievements as something that you can attain as well if you stick with it.
  6. Don’t give up if you fall short: There is a tendency to just throw your diet for the whole day because you ate one bad meal. Or you may miss one day’s workout and think that the whole week is just ruined. Start every day new and just act as if the day before you were on track. 
  7. Invest in your fitness (monetarily): This works surprisingly well especially if you’re cheap. Buy some workout clothes. Pay for a program or trainer. Buy workout supplements. It’s hard to give up on a program when you have already paid for it. Get all your money’s worth and don’t waste it.
  8. Overcome previously mentioned hurdles: Find a program that is right for your level. Don’t expect quick results. Find something you enjoy. Make it a priority. Set clear goals.

Sticking to a workout program is hard, especially if you are new to the fitness world. Just know that the longer you do it, the easier it will be just like with any habit. So utilize some of these tips and keep at it so you can crush your goals!

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