Is Free Testosterone Important?

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Free testosterone is a hormone that can affect many aspects of your life. It plays a role in your physical, mental, and sexual health. Many falsely assume it is only present in men. However, women also have free testosterone but just to a lesser degree due to biological differences. Here we will examine what free testosterone is, why it’s important, and how to get more.

Is free testosterone important?

Free testosterone is important because it is unbound and readily available to the cells in your body. This allow it to be utilized for many different purposes such as muscle growth, fat loss, sex drive, and energy production. Having healthy levels is crucial for total wellness.

What Is Free Testosterone?

Testosterone is a hormone that is produced by the testicles. It is also produced by the adrenal glands, and to a lesser extent in women. Testosterone affects the growth, development and maintenance of male sex characteristics, as well as muscle mass, bone mass and strength, hair distribution, sex drive and health. 

Free testosterone is a form of testosterone that is not bound to proteins which allows it to freely enter cells and tissues of the body. It is considered the most active form of testosterone and directly influences muscular growth and recovery as well as sex drive. It plays a role in the growth of tissues, especially muscle, and helps maintain strength, bone density, and the production of red blood cells and sperm. 

Why Is Free Testosterone Important?

In men, an increase in free testosterone helps to decrease body fat, increase muscle mass, and improve physical strength.

Free testosterone is so beneficial because it is more readily available in the body to be used by the cells. This is because it is not bound to a protein and is free to move around the body. This makes it the form of testosterone that is the most bio-available and able to interact with cells. It is available to interact with cells, bind to receptors and activate the androgenic effects. The active androgenic effects of testosterone include: muscle growth (anabolic effects), fat loss (lipolytic effects), increased libido, enhanced strength and energy, and increased red blood cell count.

Having low amounts of free testosterone circulating throughout the body could cause many issues especially in men. And this is relevant because after about the age of 30, free testosterone levels start to gradually decrease. If a man has too little testosterone, he may have problems with erectile dysfunction, infertility, decreased muscle mass, depression, and lack of energy. The specific symptoms of low testosterone vary according to the cause and the age of the man. 

Having healthy testosterone levels is important to be a healthy man that is satisfied with life. It also helps women have healthy reproductive organs and higher sex drives. 

How to Boost Free Testosterone in Your Body

So now we know that free testosterone is important but how can we maximize it? First of all, it would be useful to determine what your free testosterone levels are through a simple blood test through your doctor and move forward from there. There are forms of hormone therapy for severe cases but there are also natural ways to boost testosterone. They essentially boil down to living a healthy life. 

You can boost your free testosterone through:

  • Regular exercise and weight lifting.
  • Reducing your stress and cortisol levels.
  • Eating whole foods with a good distribution of protein, fats, and carbs.
  • Improving your sleep.
  • Herbal Supplementation

To touch on herbal supplementation I would like to recommend Alpha Jym which is a natural testosterone support that has helped many men. And you also receive 15% off with our affiliate code WELLNESS101 as well!

Alpha Jym was developed by Dr. Jim Stoppani founder of Jym Supplement Science and a renowned sports scientist with decades of research experience. 

Alpha Jym contains ingredients such as Ashwagandha, Fenugreek, and Eurycoma which help to optimize the body’s natural production of testosterone and better utilize the testosterone it already produces. This way you are not “supplementing” with testosterone or taking an unnatural route.

So live a healthy lifestyle and give Alpha Jym a try as well if you’re interested!


Free testosterone is a hormone naturally produced in your body that impacts many parts of your health. If you are not getting the amount of free testosterone you need, you might have to find a way to increase it. You can do so through a healthy, active lifestyle and herbal supplementation. If you find yourself lacking energy and drive, maybe it’s time to see if low levels of free testosterone is the cause. 

As always, consult with a medical professional for your hormonal needs.

Read also: Jym Supplement Science: Best in the Industry, How to Start Your Fitness Journey

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