Jym Supplement Science: An Extensive Review

Jym Supplement Science was founded by Jim Stoppani, PhD in 2013 and began to revolutionize the fitness industry. Before using Jim’s workout supplements, I watched his YouTube channel and was intrigued by his science-based approach. The majority of the industry seemed to be ruled by bro-science which involved fit guys talking about what worked for them who had no real exercise-science education or qualifications to give advice other than maybe a personal trainer certification. However, people listened to them because they looked fit.

Jim Stoppani came in as an older, experienced fitness authority who both had a very impressive physique himself, as well as degrees and academic experiences specifically in the sports nutrition industry. In a non-FDA regulated industry, the Jym brand revolutionized with transparent formulas which challenged tactics such as protein spiking, proprietary blends, and ‘concentrated’ formulas. These tactics allowed companies to produce cheap, low-quality supplements which weren’t actually effective because they lacked the proper ingredients and doses to produce real results.

I will admit that I have recently become affiliated with Jym Supplement Science, but only because I have personally used their supplements and workout programs for months prior to it and wanted to work with a company I could honestly and personally recommend. I hope to present a concise description and objective review of some of Jym’s top products and what makes them some of the best supplements in the industry! Also, if you decide to try any of their products, enjoy 10% off sitewide with code: WELLNESS101 as a gift to you!

Pro Jym: Ultra-Premium Protein Blend

I thought I’d start with what most people care about, protein. Even if you don’t supplement with anything else, you probably take some form of protein powder if you go to the gym. The cool thing about this protein powder which separates it from most is that it is a “protein blend”. Most protein powders on the market are simply whey protein isolate or worse, concentrate. Whey protein is important around your workout because it is absorbed in the body very quickly. However, Jym’s protein blends 7.5 g of whey protein isolate, 7 g of micellar casein, 7 g of milk protein isolate, and 2.5 g of egg white protein into every serving. These absorption rates are represented below on their website:


By combining fast, medium, and slow digesting proteins, Pro Jym is able to extend muscle protein synthesis for much longer than just around your workouts. This makes Pro Jym a good option for any time throughout the day. Also, for those with stomach sensitivity, they also offer Plant Jym which is a complete vegan protein powder which I highly recommend, and Iso Jym, which is a much lighter, macro-friendly, whey isolate. There is a protein option for everyone at Jym Supplement Science.

My Review:

I have really enjoyed my Pro Jym. I avoided it before because I would buy cheaper proteins but after reading about the quality of the product, I realized that you get what you pay for. By investing in my fitness, I am finally progressing after feeling in a plateau for years. I will no longer use anything else. My favorite flavor is Tahitian Vanilla Bean and it mixes very easily with just a shaker bottle and tastes just like vanilla ice cream. However, they have a large variety of flavors to choose from. They even have a root beer float flavor! So if you want the highest quality protein out there, go for Pro Jym.

Pre Jym: High Performance Pre-Workout

Pre Jym, their high-performance pre-workout, was actually their first product introduced in 2013 and what started their rise to popularity. All of these years later, it still won the Bodybuilding.com 2021 Pre-Workout of the Year. Consistent with their business model, it shed light on many pre-workout brands that use “performance blends” or “mixes” in their ingredient lists as a way to hide how much of each product is actually included. If you have a pre-workout, it is likely you will see something like that in the ingredients.

You will also notice a large difference in dosage. You will get a whopping 25g of product in each scoop which is double of what I was used to seeing. So you know you are getting bang for your buck with this product. Because of this, Pre Jym is a little more expensive than some pre-workouts out there but when you see how much you are getting you will understand why. As expected, Jym produced a clear ingredient list with proper amounts of each product and synergy between them. They work to provide energy, focus, and stamina. I will break down each ingredient and what it does here:

  • 6 grams of Citrulline Malate
    • Amino acid found in watermelon. Is converted into arginine and nitrous oxide in the body. Helps dilate blood vessels to improve blood flow and increase athletic performance.
  • 6 grams of BCAAs in the 2:1:1 ratio
    • BCAAs stands for branched-chain amino acids. The Pre Jym formula includes 3g of leucine, 1.5g of isoleucine, and 1.5g of valine. Amino acids are the building blocks of protein. BCAAs are essential nutrients found in meat, dairy, and legumes. They improve performance in the gym, reduce muscle breakdown, and increase muscle protein synthesis. A 2:1:1 ratio of the three is the most recommended ratio for optimal results
  • 2 grams of Con-Cret® Patented Creatine HCl
    • Creatine is an amino acid found in the muscles and brain. Your body produces small amounts of it through certain meats. It is used for energy in the muscle and is associated with increased endurance in the gym and lean muscle gain. Creatine Hydrochloride (C-HCL) is more effective than creatine monohydrate which is more commonly used. It requires a smaller dose and has less reported side-effects like water retention.  
  • 2 grams of Beta-Alanine
    • Beta Alanine is a non-essential amino acid that helps produce carnosine which is involved in muscle endurance. Having higher carnosine levels should reduce acid build up in the muscles which contributes to fatigue, thus helping you push for longer.
  • 1.5 grams of Betaine
    • Betaine is a natural substance involved in cellular hydration. It hydrates your muscle cells which improves “pump”, muscular endurance, and hypertrophy.
  • 500 milligrams of Beet Root Extract
    • Beet root extract is of course taken from beets which is a vegetable. They are full of antioxidants and naturally boost nitrous-oxide levels in your body. Nitrous-oxide is important in muscular endurance as it promotes vasodilation, sending more blood and oxygen to the muscles.
  • 300 milligrams of Caffeine
    • Caffeine is a stimulant that is found in many substances. It enhances athletic endurance and resistance to fatigue. 
  • 150 milligrams of alpha-GPC(from 300mg of AlphaSize®)
    • This is a building block of acetylcholine which is a neurotransmitter in the brain and muscles. Acetylcholine improves mental focus during your exercise to achieve more of a “flow” state during those final reps. This will increase motivation, power, and give you a mental boost for after your workout as well.
  • 50 micrograms of Huperzine A
    • Derived from a Chinese herb, this nootropic (brain-boosting) compound affects your mental focus in your workout similar to alpha-GPC. It is even used to improve cognitive function in memory disorders such as Alzheimer’s. In the gym, you will notice enhanced attention, focus, and memory. 
  • 5 milligrams of BioPerine® Black Pepper Extract
    • Improves delivery of nutrients throughout the body and increases absorption rates. This maximizes the effectiveness of food and supplements taken with it. It is also associated with thermogenesis and is thought to improve metabolism and help burn fat to use as energy.

My Review: 

I love using Pre Jym and I am not someone who used to use pre-workout. Now, I want it for every workout. I started working out early in the morning so it is key for me to get into that state of being ready to workout. My favorite flavor is pink lemonade. One thing I would like is if there were a caffeine-free option because the caffeine content is fairly high which could be an issue if you are sensitive to that. You may need to start with less than a scoop until you build up tolerance. Other than that however I have no complaints! Try out some Pre Jym before your next workout and reap the benefits!

Post Jym: BCAAs+ Recovery Matrix Post-Workout

One of the things that I love about the Jym supplement line is how everything is meant to work together. This way, you don’t have to have different supplements from different brands which may or may not work well together. The Pre/Post Jym combo is an example of that. As can be discerned, you take the Pre Jym before your workout and the Post Jym after. The focus of Post Jym is to refuel, recover, and to rebuild. Just as with Pre Jym, they clearly list their ingredients and amounts. There are some similarities with Pre Jym with the exception of caffeine and other workout enhancers that benefit you more before the workout. It also adds Glutamine and L-carnitine L-tartrate for enhanced recovery. Here are the ingredients and what they do:

  • 6 grams BCAAs in a 3:1:1 ratio
    • BCAAs stands for branched-chain amino acids. The Post Jym formula includes 3.6g of leucine, 1.2g of isoleucine, and 1.2g of valine. Amino acids are the building blocks of protein. They improve performance in the gym, reduce muscle breakdown, and increase muscle protein synthesis. This 3:1:1 ratio is different from what’s in Pre Jym and contributes more to recovery than performance.
  • 3 grams Glutamine
    • Glutamine is the most common amino acid in the body. It is necessary to maintain muscle tissue, improves exercise recovery, and reduces fatigue in athletes.
  • 2 grams Creatine HCl
    • Creatine is an amino acid found in the muscles and brain. Your body produces small amounts of it through certain meats. It is used for energy in the muscle and is associated with increased endurance in the gym and lean muscle gain. Creatine Hydrochloride (C-HCL) is more effective than creatine monohydrate which is more commonly used. It requires a smaller dose and has less reported side-effects like water retention.  
  • 2 grams Beta-Alanine
    • Beta Alanine is a non-essential amino acid that helps produce carnosine which is involved in muscle endurance. Having higher carnosine levels should reduce acid build up in the muscles which contributes to fatigue. This will help with muscle soreness after the workout.
  • 2 grams Carnipure® L-carnitine L-tartrate
    • These increase fatty-acid oxidation and reduce catabolism and free-radical formation. This helps to prevent exercise fatigue and muscle weakness.
  • 1.5 grams Betaine
    • Betaine is a natural substance involved in cellular hydration. It hydrates your muscle cells which improves “pump”, muscular endurance, and hypertrophy after the workout.
  • 5 milligrams BioPerine®
    • Improves delivery of nutrients throughout the body and increases absorption rates. This maximizes the effectiveness of food and supplements taken with it.

My Review:

My favorite flavor of Post Jym is Blue Arctic Freeze. I really like knowing that my pre/post workout supplements are working together to provide my body and muscles the nutrients they need. I have noticed recently that I hardly feel sore after workouts anymore, and if I do, it will generally just last a day. There had been times, particularly when working out my legs or chest, that I could feel it for a full week. This is no longer an issue for me. I also enjoy it as an intra-workout supplement combined with Jym’s Fast-Digesting Carbs to have something sweet to sip on during my routine. I finish about half during and half after the workout is over. Try some Post Jym! Recovery is when the bodies of our dreams are actually built, not in the gym, so make sure you aren’t neglecting proper post-workout nutrition. 

Vita Jym, Omega Jym, and ZMA Jym

The last products I wanted to discuss were Jym’s support stack which contains Vita Jym, Omega Jym, and ZMA Jym. As with all Jym Supplements, they were created to work together. Pre, Post, and Pro Jym are designed to be taken around workouts to provide necessary macronutrients while Vita and ZMA Jym provide the micronutrients necessary on a daily basis.

Vita Jym 

Vita Jym is like taking a multivitamin and a vitamin B-complex all in one. Athletes lose many micronutrients through heavy training and sweat and need higher amounts of those to perform. If you look at the nutrition facts of Vita compared to a cheap, generic multivitamin, you will see a massive difference in what you are getting. Plus, Dr. Stoppani carefully formulated it as to not have nutrients that compete for uptake such as Calcium, Magnesium, and Zinc. These were purposely left out and included in ZMA and Pro Jym to maximize effectiveness. Vita will generally be taken in the morning with breakfast. Expect a big boost in heart health, energy, and brain function from Vita Jym.


This product contains the Zinc and Magnesium left out of Vita Jym for absorption purposes and includes Vitamin B-6 as well. The specific combination of minerals in these amounts increase immune function, strength, and recovery. ZMA has been shown to have anabolic effects in healthy men, increasing growth factor and testosterone naturally. It also has a calming effect so it is suggested to be taken at night without food to sleep better and improve recovery. Many people also experience more vivid dreams while taking ZMA Jym.

Omega Jym

I think everyone knows that you need Omega-3 Fatty Acids in your diet. Omega-3 is critical for a healthy heart and brain and it also contributes to muscle gains and fat loss. I was astounded when I first started taking Omega Jym and noticed the label:

  • 1500 mg Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA)
  • 1500 mg Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA)
  • 300 mg Docosapentaenoic Acid (DPA)

All of this comes in only 4 capsules! To get this much Omega-3 from a traditional fish-oil supplement, you would need to take about 10-15! So take a look at the one you’re taking and compare. These are extremely potent and filtered to remove any mercury or contaminants and I have never had a fishy taste or burp from taking these pills. Also, most supplements will only have EPA and DHA. In addition to having very high amounts of those, Jym also adds DPA, a rarely utilized elongated form of EPA, also proven to benefit exercise-induced inflammation and cardiovascular health. Everyone should be getting enough Omega-3 Fatty Acids, and I have yet to find a better way to supplement them than through Omega Jym.


Now Jym Supplement Science also has other products like fat burners, natural testosterone boosters, and great apparel, but I thought I would focus on their more key products. There is no supplement brand that I would honestly recommend more than the Jym Supplement line. Their products all work together which makes it easy to get everything from one place. And the products are all formulated by an actual doctor who also happens to be a bodybuilder. It is hard to find that in the fitness industry. Add that to the fact that they are extremely transparent and focus more on product quality than sales. Jym is an amazing brand and I encourage all of you to give them a try as I have.

And to help you all out, enjoy 10 % off at jymsupplementscience.com with code: WELLNESS101 or by clicking here.

Thank you for reading and let us know your experience with Jym Supplement Science! Good luck on your fitness journey!

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