Sex and How It Benefits the Body and Brain

We are learning more and more about how sex isn’t simply something that makes you feel good or creates babies. It actually has tons of other benefits for both the body and brain! Here we will take a look at what the benefits of sex are for the body, brain, and your relationships!

The Benefits of Sex for the Body

There are many benefits of sex for the body. It can help to improve circulation, increase endorphins (which can help to improve mood and reduce pain), and can help to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles. Sex can also help to reduce stress and promote relaxation. Additionally, sex have been shown to boost sleep and immunity.

Sex also is a form of low physical activity! It helps to get your heart rate up and even burns about 100 calories or so depending on the length of the encounter. So maybe frequent sex could even help you lose a few pounds! But simply the stress reduction aspect will help you to have a stronger immune system and be less likely to have disease. For men, sex is also good for their prostates. Many studies find that frequent ejaculation in men can reduce their risk of prostate cancer.

Overall unless you have some form of illness that would affect it, sex is great for your physical as well as your mental health.

The Benefits of Sex for the Brain

Sex is great for the brain in many ways as well. It helps to reduce stress, improve mood, and increase focus and concentration. It also helps to  increase levels of oxytocin, which is a hormone that helps to promote bonding and trust. This is one reason why having multiple sexual partners can be emotionally challenging because of the oxytocin release which can make separation harder after a sexual connection.

It makes sense that sex would have mental benefits when you examine it from an evolutionary perspective. Every race subconsciously seeks procreation, otherwise the race would die out very quickly. It is almost like the body incentivizing sexual activity by rewarding those who take part in it. It could also be because those who enjoyed sex more, were more likely to pass on their genes until most people on the earth were people that enjoyed sex.

Regardless, we know that sex is one of the most primal motivators that drive our actions even if we won’t admit it. And it really comes down to the fact that sex just feels great!

How Sex Helps Your Relationships

It’s no secret that sex can be a great way to improve any relationship when done right. After all, it’s a physical act that can help to build intimacy, trust, and communication between partners. Here are just a few ways that sex can improve your relationship:

It can help to build intimacy.

When you’re physically intimate with someone, it can help to create a deeper emotional connection. Sex can help partners to feel closer to one another and can even help to improve communication. As we had mentioned before, sex helps to produce oxytocin which is commonly referred to as the “love hormone”. This helps form more of a chemical bond between partners that goes deeper than surface level infatuation.

It also gives you dedicated time together without distractions. You are focused on one another helping them feel good. And doing things together that feel good is great for a relationship.

It can boost your moods.

Oxytocin has been linked to increased feelings of happiness and satisfaction. If you are depressed in a relationship, it can really put a strain on things, especially if both partners are depressed. So the mood-boosting aspect can help to create more individual happiness which can in turn create a happier relationship.

It can reduce stress.

Sex can be a great way to relieve stress. It can help to take your mind off of your worries and can even help to lower blood pressure. You want as little stress as possible in a relationship because it is stressors that break relationships whether they be financial or personal. So stress tolerance is important and sex offers an opportunity to escape from the stressors of life together so that you can see things clearly.

It can improve communication.

Talking about sex can be a great way to improve communication in your relationship. Discussing things like what you like, what you don’t like, and what you’re comfortable with can help to foster a more open and honest relationship. It can also help each partner feel loved and heard. There is also the communication about unrelated things after sex. So sex just opens the opportunity for more trust and communication in a relationship.

How to Get the Most Out of Your Sex Life

Now that we know how sex is beneficial, how can we make it better? There are a few things you can do to make sure you’re getting the most out of your sex life. 

First, make sure you’re communicating with your partner about what you like and don’t like. This way, you can make sure you’re both on the same page and enjoying yourselves. 

Second, don’t be afraid to experiment and try new things. This can help keep things fresh and exciting. 

Lastly, make sure you’re focusing on the quality of your sex life, not the quantity. This means making time for intimacy, foreplay, and afterplay, and enjoying every moment. 

Sex is something that we all long for in some form or another. So it is good to know that by being active sexually we are also taking care of our body and mind. So be sure to examine the quality of your sex life and don’t miss out on all of the benefits! 

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