Should I Play Sports or Lift Weights?

Everyone is told that they need to exercise more, but what does that really mean? There are so many ways to exercise but some of the most common ways are lifting weights, also known as resistance training, and playing sports. There are some who only play sports on a consistent basis and appear to be in great health. Others lift weights on a consistent basis and look about the same. So is it better to play sports or lift weights for your overall health? Let’s examine the pros and cons of each.

Benefits of Playing Sports

There are many benefits to playing sports. Some include improving physical fitness, developing teamwork skills, providing a sense of competition, and improving mental health.

You improve your physical fitness through sports because they require the use of almost all the major muscle groups at once. This results in increased muscle strength, endurance, and flexibility. Playing sports also helps to greatly improve cardiovascular fitness by increasing heart and lung capacity.

Teamwork skills are developed in playing sports by requiring players to work together to achieve a common goal. This can involve passing the ball to a teammate, running plays, or any number of other activities. These skills are valuable in both sports and other areas of life. The social aspect is one of the most beneficial parts of sports. You almost don’t notice you are exercising because you are having fun with friends. 

A sense of competition is also fostered by playing sports. This is because players are constantly striving to improve their performance and beat their opponents. This sense of competition can be beneficial in other areas of life, such as in academics or in one’s career. This also makes the sport you are playing more fun.

And lastly, sports have a greater impact on mental health. Aerobic conditioning is what has been found to have the most benefits for anxiety and depression over anaerobic conditioning such as weight lifting. Sports have the combination of aerobic conditioning, social connections, and total focus on a task creating a sense of flow. All of these create the perfect environment to escape from life’s stressors and enjoy greater mental health.

Drawbacks of Playing Sports

There are a few potential drawbacks to playing sports. First, there is always the potential for injury. This is especially true in contact sports like football or hockey, but even non-contact sports like soccer or basketball can lead to injuries. 

Second, playing sports can be time-consuming and may take away from other activities that you enjoy. Usually you have to set aside time to go to a specific location where you can play the sport for a certain amount of time. It may also take more coordination because you may need to reach out and plan around the schedules of the other players.

Third, sports may help you be in good shape or be thinner but it may not necessarily get you the body you desire, especially if you are looking for a more muscular or sculpted form. There are some sports that cater more to that sort of physique but many are just good at burning calories and only work the legs primarily.

Finally, playing sports can potentially be very expensive. You may need to buy equipment or pay for entry fees to participate in a certain league. There are sports more expensive than others so there are certainly exceptions to this. You may also use free parks and just meet up with friends. However, if you are looking for a more organized sport, it won’t be free.

Benefits of Lifting Weights

Lifting weights has countless benefits that can help improve your overall health and quality of life. Just like any exercise, lifting weights can help you to get into better health and lose body fat. It will burn some calories during the exercise but the greater benefit comes after as you build more muscle which increases your resting metabolism. Lifting correctly also strengthens muscles which can reduce the risk for injury later and increase bone density. This is especially beneficial for women as they approach menopause because it reduces the risk of osteoporosis.  

Lifting allows you to build the specific body that you want by focusing on types of routines or exercises that target the muscle groups you want to hit. Lifting weights is really the only way to achieve a bodybuilder-like physique. So if your main goal is to like what you see in the mirror, lifting is the typical approach.

Commercial gyms can be fairly cheap, as low as $10 a month with Planet Fitness for example so it isn’t a huge investment to do it. You could even invest in some home gym equipment and work out from the comfort of your own home. This also saves time.

You can lift weights alone so you can do it on your own time without having to coordinate with anyone else. You can certainly work out with a partner though it isn’t something that is 100% necessary like with sports.

Lifting provides a sense of achievement as you work towards either performance or aesthetic goals. You can see how far you’ve come when you notice your body changing or that you are lifting heavier weights than before. This makes you feel great because you can literally see and measure progress.

Drawbacks of Lifting Weights

While lifting weights can have many benefits, there are also some potential drawbacks to consider. 

One potential downside is that lifting weights can put strain on your muscles and joints. If you don’t lift weights properly, you can end up injuring yourself potentially more severely than in a casual sport. So you need to make sure you learn proper form before heavy compound lifting. 

Additionally, lifting weights can also lead to soreness and fatigue. If you overdo it, you may end up feeling very tired and sore the next day or the whole week which can affect other aspects of your life.

Lifting weights is generally considered anaerobic conditioning. It has its benefits strength wise, however, less benefits for your heart and mental health as aerobic conditioning like running or other forms of cardio. So a weightlifter may have an impressive deadlift but is huffing and puffing after a 5 minute run, so you could lack in other areas of your health.

To lift weights effectively, you need to either have a trainer or study enough about it to do it on your own. So for those starting out, it can be intimidating because they don’t know what to do in the gym or what routine to do. So it will either be a learning curve for you or you have to spend a lot of money on a trainer to lift weights well.

Which is Better Overall?

So is it better to play sports or lift weights for your overall health? It is certainly a hard question and may be different depending on the person. However, if we are to look at overall health and longevity and have to pick one, playing sports may be the better option and here’s why:

With sports, you take better care of your heart and stress levels, while also working your muscles and fostering social relationships. This is what makes it better for longevity overall than weight lifting. Though you may not have the aesthetic benefits, you will probably feel better and live longer. One of the leading causes of death is heart disease in the U.S and the risk is much higher if you are obese, sedentary, or stressed.

However, the best thing would be to incorporate both weight lifting and sports to achieve the best overall health. That way you have the cardiovascular and mental health benefits of sports, and the strength and aesthetic benefits of weight lifting. So try your best to get a mix of both in your routine but if you had to pick one, find a sport that you enjoy and play it regularly.

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