Tips for Working Out Anywhere

a determined man exercising in the park

Many of us think working out is restricted to the gym, not knowing how to workout effectively anywhere. The workout environment isn’t the most important thing when it comes to your workout. It is more important how you workout rather than where. An effective workout boils down to efficient use of your time and resources. Here we will look at some tips for working out anywhere. Whether you are at the gym, in the park, at home, or in a hotel room, these will certainly help keep you on track.

Tips for Working Out at the Gym

Many think that just because they are in a commercial gym, it automatically means they are getting a good workout. However, you can be just as ineffective at a gym as anywhere else. Here are some things you can do to get the most out of your gym workouts (see 7 common gym mistakes for beginners)

  • Stop scrolling!: The gym isn’t the place to be on the phone unless it’s to quickly change songs, record sets and reps, or use the stopwatch. One, it draws attention away from your workout, and two, it lowers intensity because you probably will be resting for too long between sets. Unless you are powerlifting or doing heavy strength training, you should only be resting 1-2 minutes max between your sets. So stay focused on the routine.
  • Take advantage of all the equipment: You have access to everything you need at a commercial gym so use it all. Don’t just hide by the cardio machines. Use barbells, dumbbells, cable machines, etc. Variety will help build a better, stronger body, as well as keep you from getting bored.
  • Be organized: Make sure you have a plan or routine before you get to the gym. These can be bought or you can find many for free online. And then write down how much you are doing so you can build up each week rather than just grabbing random weights or accidentally lifting less than the week before.

Tips for Working Out at the Park

A lot of people have busy lifestyles and can’t make it to the gym or a fitness studio on a regular basis. Or maybe they just prefer a natural setting. Luckily, you can workout anywhere and anytime. Some choose to workout in a park or outdoors. The beauty of working out in parks is that you can be creative and enjoy nature. You can play sports, run, walk, cycle, do yoga and even just relax after. Here are some tips for park workouts:

  • Make use of the space: You have lots of space so use it. Throw in some sprints or jumps. Play a sport. These are generally harder to do in a gym or home space.
  • Use park equipment: As long as it’s not full of kids, make use of some playground equipment. Some parks even have equipment dedicated for workouts. Pull ups and dips are great workouts without even needing weights. Monkey bars are harder than they look. Be creative and use what you have.
  • Plyometrics: This involves explosive movements with your own bodyweight to increase power and strength. If all you have is space and your body weight, make those movements athletic and explosive. Do some squat jumps, clap pushups, burpees, etc. These are fun to do and increase heart-rate which helps fat-loss. Plus, they will make you stronger.

Tips for Working Out at Home

There are many ways to effectively workout at home, but the most important thing you can do is to keep it interesting. It can be pretty boring especially if you are alone. However, home workouts are very convenient and easier on the budget (See how to create a cheap home gym). You can use just bodyweight or have a few pieces of easily storable equipment. You may not have a gym nearby or just prefer the comfort of your home. Whatever it is, here are some ways to get the most out of your home workouts.

  • Create a dedicated space: If possible, try and work out in the same place each time. That way when you are there, you know it’s time to focus and workout. This can be a space you use for other things too or if you’re lucky, a space only used for your workouts. Having a dedicated space helps get you in the zone.
  • Take advantage of technology: You can use your T.V., phone, or computer to play routine, music, etc. There are a lot of workouts and music available online to make your routine more interesting or even have your own YouTube trainer at home with you. If you don’t know what to do, just look up a home workout for the amount of time you want to workout.
  • Get dressed to workout: It can be tempting to just workout in what we have on like our pajamas. Dress to look good as if you were going to a gym. You will find this helps your energy and confidence and switches your brain to workout mode.

Tips for Working Out at a Hotel

Hotels are a common reality for those who frequently travel for business or leisure. With hotels, you have to be flexible and familiar with the basics of a workout routine. You won’t always have the same equipment or amount of time to work out which makes it difficult. There will also only be lighter weights which may appear hard for an experienced lifter. Here are some tips to help you.

  • Use light weights effectively: You may think that if you only have light weights then there is no point. However, there are ways to utilize light weights better. Shorten rest times, and increase volume. When you’re at a hotel you won’t be strength training. You will be training for volume and time-under-tension. You may need to do 20 reps and only rest 30 seconds between sets. Try and get a pump. Use supersets to increase intensity. Also do slower reps and really focus on squeezing the muscle. You will find that you can still get sore this way even if the weights are light.
  • Be creative: With less equipment, you will have to see things differently at times. You may just see a treadmill, but the side handles could be used for dips. You may grab onto something else to perform pull-ups. You can put a dumbbell between your knees instead of having a chain belt. Try to use the equipment available for as many things as possible rather than being limited to what it is normally used for.
  • Hit the gym in the morning: This is even more important when on vacation than on a business trip. You may think you will work out later in the day or at night but you won’t. You will be so busy doing other things or having fun and night will come and you’ll be too tired. You typically aren’t doing anything early in the day so do it first thing before breakfast. Otherwise it’s unlikely it will even happen.

I hope you were able to pick up some tips for working out anywhere. In short, there is no excuse. You can build a great body wherever you are. These are only a few tips but you will learn how to work out more effectively in different circumstances the more you do it. So keep these in mind next time you are working out whether in the gym, park, home or hotel!

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