Unwritten Rules of the Gym

unwritten gym rules

All gyms have their outlined rules. Sometimes it is that you shouldn’t yell or use certain types of clothing. However, as you become more experienced with the gym, you learn that there are also several “unwritten” rules of the gym that most experienced gym goers live by. These can vary from person to person but I hope to tap into at least some of the most universally recognized ones. This way if you are new to the gym, you won’t have to learn the hard way.

Be Courteous of Those Waiting for Your Machine/Equipment:

This is probably the biggest pet-peeve of many gym-goers. Most commercial gyms don’t have enough equipment to go around especially during peak times which leaves you waiting in a line to be next to use the bench, squat rack, machine, etc. Most people don’t have a ton of time to be working out so if you are using something, focus on that exercise until you are done so the next person can hop on.

The biggest time wasters are generally those on their phones or chatting with workout buddies. It’s ok to do a quick text in the 1-2 minutes you are resting between sets, but when it’s been 5 minutes and you are on your phone more than you are exercising, maybe you need to get off the equipment and handle that conversation and get back in line.

And it’s fine to have a workout partner, but not if you guys are just having a good time talking about your day at work. Talk as you are stacking weights or getting ready to lift. Or if you are going to talk for a longer time, wait till after you’re done with the exercise and step to the side to have that necessary conversation. 

Also I would like to point out that there are programs with longer rest times such as powerlifting. That is fine but just do the best you can to not waste any more time than necessary. Also try to time your workouts so that you are going during less busy times when there isn’t as much demand for a power rack or bench for example.

People at the gym are in a time crunch or are trying to maintain a certain intensity and 10-15 minute waits between exercises can really throw you off. So try your best to stick to your training so they can focus on theirs.

Be Sanitary

This can go in a lot of different directions but the main thing would be to wipe equipment down when necessary. It is a great thing to do always but there are times when you use something maybe for one set and you aren’t sweaty at all so it may not be that big of a deal. However, for those who are leaving their sweat puddles all over the place, this one’s for you. You can usually spot the heavy sweaters as they carry a gym towel with them. 

There isn’t anything grosser than a soaking wet bench that you then sit or lay down on. It usually forces the next person to wipe it down and do your work for you and that is just rude.

Also, this shouldn’t need to be said, but if you use the bathroom, wash your hands well before returning back to the gym floor. You then touch lots of equipment that other people touch so please be clean if you are using the bathroom. 

Have Water Fountain Etiquette

Sometimes the water fountain can cause a traffic jam as well. Like most gym etiquette you just have to be aware of your surroundings. If you got a gallon jug you want to fill up to the top and there is someone behind that just wants to take a sip, maybe let them go first. 

Also, if you have people behind you, it’s not the place for washing out your shaker bottle over and over again to get the pre-workout out.

And if you are going to drink right after filling your bottle, step to the side and don’t drink as you block the fountain for the next person. Believe it or not people actually do that.

If You’re in the Locker Room, Don’t Look

This should be pretty clear. When you are changing, you face the locker or wall as you take your clothes off and put them back on. It’s not a time to chat or socialize. You get in and you get out. If you catch yourself looking at someone, just immediately turn away. It’s already such an awkward space but it’s even worse if we feel like people are looking at us as we change. So keep your eyes elsewhere.

Don’t Record or Take Pics in Crowded Spaces

We know there are fitness influencers or trainers that make money with their videos or pics but please be aware of your surroundings. Other people didn’t consent to be in your photos or videos so find a spot where it can just be you if possible. It also just makes people feel awkward and look at you as you are doing the pics or videos. So keep it short and private.

Don’t Be Attention Seeking

You aren’t in the gym to show off. I am not saying there is anything wrong with heavy weights of course. That is something to be proud of. But ridiculous yelling and celebrations or things that cause everyone to look over at you, that isn’t necessary. You don’t need to be walking on your hands past everyone or balancing on five dumbbells stacked on top of one another. Training is one thing, but trying to get attention is another. You know the difference if you just ask yourself, “am I just trying to get attention?”. It’s as simple as that.

Don’t Flirt or Harass

This usually happens more to women. That is not to say however that there are not flirty girls at the gym or girls that purposely try to look good so that guys notice them. But typically it is the guy that does the unwanted approach or comment. Leave the girls alone please. You have a very small chance of actually winning a girl over by hitting on her at the gym. It just makes you look immature. Women should be able to feel safe at the gym and not worry about big guys approaching them commenting on their good squat form. Just leave them alone please.

Keep the Reunions Short

It’s a common occurrence that you see someone at the gym that you know from school or work or that you haven’t seen in a while. There is the temptation there to want to catch up or see how the last 5 years of their life has been. Unless you are completely sure that the other person wants to have a long conversation too, keep it just a few minutes.

Most people are at the gym to focus on their work out or have some alone time. It isn’t the time to socialize. Just say hi and ask how they are doing maybe and let them get on with their workout. Maybe you get their number and say you’ll text them later to get together some time. But don’t assume the other person wants to have a long catch up when they are trying to fit in a workout, calculate rest times, etc.

Of course we could keep going here. To sum it all up, use common sense and be socially aware. And remember that most people are at the gym to work out and that’s it. So be respectful, courteous, and focus on your training while you’re there.

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