What Time of Day Should You Lift Weights?

strong man training biceps with dumbbells

Most people know that lifting weights is good for them. But when it comes to lifting weights, there are a million different opinions including what time you should lift weights.

Typically, due to work schedules, most will either work out in the morning before work or in the evening after. Some people think that they should workout in the morning because they feel that they have more energy in the morning. Others think they should workout in the evening because they feel that they have more energy then. So the question is: What time of day should you lift weights?

While there is no right or wrong time of day to lift weights, there are certain times of day that may be more beneficial depending on your personality and goals. Each individual is different and the time of day you should lift weights will depend on what your availability is, what feels good for you, and whether your goals lean more towards fat-loss or performance.

Here we will discuss some arguments for working out either in the morning or evening.

Should You Lift Weights in the Morning?

Lifting in the morning has its benefits for sure. Working out in the morning has shown to be more beneficial if your goal is fat-loss rather than performance. A study in EBioMedicine showed that 24-hour fat-loss was highest when subjects worked out in the morning versus other times of day. When you are doing high-intensity training, it can create an after-burn effect throughout the day, burning more calories total. Also, you will likely be working out with little food or carbs on your stomach forcing you to burn more fat as fuel. 

However, for the same reason that you are working out after fasting all night and groggy and stiff after waking up, your performance could possibly suffer. So if you are an athlete trying to hit personal records (PRs), then morning workouts may not be best unless you’re just a morning person. For this reason though, many take a pre-workout supplement and/or meal with carbs and protein that will give them a boost of energy in the morning and keep performance high. (read: What to Eat Before a Workout)

Also, make sure to warm up with some light cardio or stretches especially in the morning because you are colder and stiffer and thus more prone to injury.

Another benefit is your hormone levels in the morning. The morning is when your body has the highest testosterone levels. Testosterone is important for building muscle, so it’s beneficial to have high levels of it when you’re lifting weights. You also produce high amounts of cortisol in the morning which is a stress hormone meant to help you wake up. This helps give you focus and energy in the morning.

It’s also easier to stay committed to your workout routine because you can get it over with as soon as possible before other distractions take its place. And having a daily morning workout will help you feel more energized and productive throughout the day as well. You also just feel more positive because you know you have done something good for you that day.

So overall there are plenty of good reasons to work out in the morning, mainly total fat-loss and being able to take care of it early in the day before other responsibilities arise.

Should You Lift Weights in the Evening?

As has been previously mentioned, strength and performance could suffer if you lift weights early in the morning. So for those favoring performance and strength over fat-loss, an evening workout may be best. Afternoon or evening workouts favor strength mostly due to the fact that you have had a few meals and thus have stored carbs and fat to burn as energy as well as more water in your body. You have also been moving around the whole day at work or home so your body and joints are more warmed up and your body temperature is higher. This can also reduce the chance of injury while lifting.

For some, evening workouts may be a good stress relief after a stressful day at work. It also requires less discipline for some because they don’t have to wake up just to go to the gym. They are already awake so they have one less battle to fight to get there.

However, if pushed too far back into the evening, a high intensity workout could potentially hinder sleep. So you want to make sure to at least give yourself a few hours to relax post-workout to get your heart rate and energy down. You may want to avoid a pre-workout supplement when working out in the evening due to the high caffeine content that most have. This can also keep you awake and hurt your sleep.

An evening workout may also give you more time to workout. When you wake up in the morning to workout, you generally have a set amount of time before you have to be back home to get ready for work. Working out in the evening gives you a more relaxed schedule allowing you to take your time because you may have nowhere to be. However, you could also be in a rush to get home to relax so you rush through the workout after work.

So if working out in the evening feels better for you and works with your schedule, you will enjoy better strength and performance.


There is evidence and reasons to support both working out in the morning as well as the evening. As stated in the beginning, the time of day you should lift weights will depend on your schedule, preferences, and goals. 

It may be best to experiment with both and see what works best for you. Though fat-loss is slightly higher in the morning and strength slightly higher in the evening, you still will lose fat and gain strength in the morning or the evening. 

I hope this gave you some ideas to better know when you should work out as well as debunk the myth that one time of day is significantly better than another. As they say, the best kind of workout is the one you do. So the best time of day to lift weights is typically the time you will actually go.

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